Shuttle Pallet Racking

Streamline Your Warehouse Operations

Are you searching for an innovative solution to optimise your warehouse storage and enhance productivity? Shuttle pallet racking system is designed to revolutionise your warehouse operations by automating the movement of pallets within the racking structure. With its advanced shuttle technology, this racking system enables efficient storage and retrieval, allowing you to maximise space utilisation and streamline your workflow.

What is Shuttle Pallet Racking and How Does It Work?

Shuttle pallet racking is a semi-automated storage system that operates within deep storage channels, using a similar design as drive-in pallet racking utilising rails rather than beams, to efficiently handle pallets. A forklift truck places the pallet onto the shuttle bed at the front of the racking block, with the shuttle then manoeuvring the pallet to its location.

How shuttle pallet racking works

1. Storage Lanes

The racking system consists of deep storage lanes, like drive-in racking, these lanes are designed to store multiple pallets in depth, maximising storage capacity.

2. Shuttle Device

A shuttle device, also known as a pallet shuttle or pallet runner, is a remote-controlled automated platform that operates within the storage lanes. It moves horizontally along the length of the lanes taking the pallet to its final location.

3. Loading Pallets

To begin the process, a forklift loads a pallet on to the shuttle at the entry point of a storage lane. Th shuttle can be moved from lane to lane using a forklift truck.

4. Shuttle Movement

Once loaded, the shuttle device is remotely controlled, either manually or through a software interface. It moves along the rail system within the storage lane, navigating through the aisles and positioning itself beneath the desired storage location.

5. Pallet Placement

When the shuttle device reaches the target storage location, it lifts the pallet and places it onto the rack. The process is repeated for subsequent pallets within the same channel, creating a deep storage configuration.

6. Retrieving Pallets

When a specific pallet needs to be retrieved, the shuttle device is directed to the appropriate storage location. It lifts the pallet and moves it to the designated retrieval point within the storage lane.

Key Features and Benefits

1. Automated Storage and Retrieval

The shuttle, controlled by a remote or computer system, transports the pallets within the racking structure, reducing labour costs and increasing efficiency.

2. High-Density Storage

By utilising the shuttle system, our racking system enables high-density storage. Pallets can be stored in multiple levels and lanes, optimising vertical and horizontal space. This high-density configuration maximizes your storage capacity, allowing you to accommodate more inventory.

3. Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Shuttle systems can be integrated with inventory management software, providing real-time tracking and visibility of your inventory. You can monitor stock levels, track movements, and generate reports, enabling better control and decision-making.

4. Increased Productivity

With the automation and efficiency offered by our shuttle pallet racking system, you can significantly increase productivity in your warehouse. Forklift Truck drivers travel distance can be drastically reduced as the driver drops or collects the pallet at the front of the racking system allowing the shuttle to take the pallet to its final location. Allowing forklifts drivers to collect other pallets while the shuttle completes the storage or retrieval. The shuttle system works seamlessly with materials handling equipment, minimising wait times and optimising material handling processes.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to streamline your warehouse operations with our shuttle pallet racking? Contact our knowledgeable team today. We are here to answer any questions, provide additional information, and guide you through the process of selecting the ideal storage solution for your business.

Get in Touch

Core Projects (Scotland) Ltd are storage solution specialists with an array of industrial storage solutions which will enhance productivity and increase work flow.

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Core Projects (Scotland) Ltd.
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Westerton, Glasgow, G61 1HU.

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Core Projects (Scotland) Ltd.
8 Holland Place
Aberdeen, AB25 3UW.